

とりあえず、この記事はこれで最後です。 “Thanks to our successful experience,” he says, “and efforts to keep good contacts through our governmental affairs activities, we can control to some extent our investment . . . so we would like to i…


またまた続きの記事を。 There is a personal flavour to this enthusiasm. In 2016, a year after taking over as chief executive, Mr Yasunaga became the first Mitsui president since the second world war to announce an annual loss, as his predec…


多分時間をおくとめんどくさくなって放置するのでとりあえず続けて書いてみます。 For many years, Japan’s trading companies, led by Mitsui and Mitsubishi, have been steadily turning into something between private equity houses and venture capit…


随分と長いこと放置してたんですけど、また気が向いたので再開。 今回はFinancial Timesの記事から、三井物産の社長について書いた記事があったので、それを題材にしてみます。 https://www.ft.com/content/0c8750bc-b967-11e7-8c12-5661783e5589 Tatsuo Yas…